Showcase your work
Simple all-in-one kitchen unit

Getting Started

If you haven’t already downloaded and installed the theme you need to do this before getting started.

Click Here to Download the Theme

If you need help installing the theme visit the download and installation page.

Getting Started

When you activate the theme you get the option to run a start up script. Although primarily designed for new sites it does provide a way to initiate the features needed by the theme.

The setup script gives you the options to dummy pages and posts, menus, updates the comment options and media location folder. Once complete all you really need to do is create a set of posts with examples of your work and the site is ready to roll.

If you don’t want to run the site setup you can dismiss the option.

Featured Images

To show off and promote your work you need to create project pages and case studies. You do this with posts (not pages). When you create a post you have the option to add a featured image. The theme takes the featured image and uses it on the homepage. More information about featured images.

The Homepage

The default homepage displays a grid of images that link to your posts. These posts are where you show off your work. The images you see are the featured image for each post.

If you need to change the homepage settings go to Dashboard > Settings > Reading. Make sure the Your homepage displays option is set to Your latest posts to display the grid.

The Homepage Widget

The homepage widget is the one you see at the top of the homepage. You can put whatever you want in the widget but experience has shown that a short introduction with some key links is the best option. Everything is managed in the customizer. The colours are set in Colours section. The background image in the Homepage Settings and content in the Widgets section

Theme Options

The most of the theme options are in the Customizer. The settings for the contact form are in Dashboard > Settings. Testimonials have their own section in the main menu.


The Customizer contains most of the layout options: colours, header and footer, social media and standard WordPress features.

To access the cutomiser from the dasboard go to the Appearance menu. If you are logged in when looking at your site you will also see the Customizer link in the admin bar at the top of the page:

If you can’t find what you want in the Theme Settings or Customizer then get in touch and I see what I can do.

  1. Trevor on 16 Mar 2023:

    Can one create a block with four columns to take photos and would those columns be shown as follows:-
    4 in a line on desktop
    2x 2 lines on tablet
    4×1 lines on mobile

    Reply to Trevor

    • Graham on 19 Mar 2023:

      Hi Trevor,
      Column blocks are part of the wordpress structure and as far as I know they work the way you want. If not there are plenty of plugins you can install to give you additional block functionality.

      Reply to Graham

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